Discover Japanese prints, particularly those inspired by the harbour of Yokohama and the country’s opening to foreigners, at the conference “Estampes Yokohama-e: les Japonais (re)découvrent les Occidentaux” on Saturday from 2:30 to 3:00 pm in the Kyoto Room.
An art historian specializing in Asian art, Sylviane de Cerjat Hagger works in collaboration with the Musée Baur and the Musée de l’Ariana. An independent mediator and lecturer, she can accompany you on your visits or during a porcelain painting workshop.
Manufactures de porcelaine au siècle des Lumières: les exemples de Meissen et de Sèvres”, available online at
Du studiolo au chaekgeori: les représentations de livres et d’objets en Corée pendant la dynastie Joseon (1392 - 1897)“, available online at